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Realism or eccentricity? I paint and draw complicated characters, with their problems and their things, like you and me. They are passers-by who walk through everyday scenes as if nothing bad were happening. Colorful moments of life and darkness of the mind go hand in hand in my paintings. Sometimes they have an ironic meaning and other times they are the most innocent thing in the world that you can find in life, more than illustrations for children. And that is my hallmark.


Influenced by hundreds of artists from the expressionism of the early twentieth century to the illustration of our days, I have been expressing for almost a decade my thoughts and memories, my nostalgia, melancholy and hopes... not everything is going to be crying!


I also paint portraits of invented characters and some cats with the body of a man. Sometimes I experiment with baroque colors and I would like my paintings to be like from another time, but the result is what it is and well, I hope you like it.


My public exhibitions are few and far between, the Internet gives us new tools, but I remain open to being present in collections here and there.


Please don't hesitate to send me your congratulations, thanks, insults or condemnations. Sincerely...



l. sol

Fotografía en blanco y negro de Lupo Sol de perfil

The great artist Ron Throop recently wrote about him in his brilliant stuckist magazine. Read his article.

And don't miss their fantastic song!

- First Annual Postcard Show 2023. December 2023 -
- International Stuckism at Watkins Glen. Quintus Gallery, Watkins Glen (NY). November 2017
- 50º National painting contest Vila de Sant Joan d'Alacant. Alicante, October 2017
- The Stuckist at Cass Art Islington. London, April 2017
- The Stuckist Art Show. View Two Gallery, Liverpool. July-August 2016
- Esquelas Sonoras book, The Exhibition. Centro de Cultura de Gijón, July 2016
- Euro Ye Yé Festival 2015. Centro de Cultura de Gijón. July 2015



- Les Belles Intentions Atelier Galerie. Sierre, Switzerland. September 2024
- La Peluquería. Alicante. October 2018
- Yellow Life Scenes. Broad Street Gallery, Hamilton (NY). December 2017
- The crap & the glory. 8 y Medio centro cultural, Alicante. 2016



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